
Online diary where i talk about my life and random stuff i cant put somewhere else,nothing too fancy compared 2 the rest of my site ik...


Hell yeah dude...after 1 week im finally BACK!! yup i didnt forget ab u guys if u wondered...but nothin really new happened really. got my k-again cd,plus got sum nu clothes at the thrift that u can see right below. also theres 2 weeks before skool starts...im kinda scared not gonna lie...


Well well well thats tha 1st entry on my online journal...ion really know what to say here but ill go to vacations tommorow so i wont update my site real much. also today i brought a nu cd!! its K-Again 1999 EP "Fake Friend"...they r a Numetal band from Italy!! also whats nice is dat it comes with 2 stickers...cant wait to have it cuz its rare to find underground numetal bands cds here in europe!!